
Thursday: Breakfast pinhead oats

Nothing like the warmth of steelcut, or pinhead (yes, I love saying that word) oats for a winter's breakfast. It's a simple filling very good for you breakfast with loads of protien and minerals not to mention fiber in a great chewy warm form to get you revved up. Don't be a pinhead, just try it.

For one:

One and a quarter cups filtered water - set to boil and a third a cup of pinhead oats ready to pour.
Once it's boiling add in the oats and stir a couple of times. I like them chewy so I don't cook them for the full 20 mins. I stop them after about 12 minutes or when the water is mostly gone.

Serve them in a beautiful bowl with bananas or today as I did a drizzle of real maple syrup and soymilk. Sometimes a few nuts chopped up in the mix is good too!

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